How to ensure the sterility of a 3 parts syringe?
 2023/05/15 | View:512

The use of 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485 has become increasingly popular in the healthcare industry due to their advantages over traditional syringes. However, ensuring the sterility of these syringes is crucial to ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare workers. In this article, we will explore how to ensure the sterility of a 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485.

3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485

How to Ensure the Sterilety of a 3 parts Syringe with Needle with CE and ISO13485:

Proper Storage: The storage conditions for 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485 should be strict. The syringes should be stored in a cool and dry place, away from sunlight. The temperature should not vary greatly, and the syringes should not be stored in the refrigerator or freezer.

Clean and Sterilize: Before using a 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485, it is important to thoroughly clean and sterilize it. Use clean water, soap, and detergent to wash the syringe and its components. Then, immerse the syringe in a solution of glutaraldehyde or formalin to ensure complete sterilization.

Insert the Needle into the Syringe: When inserting the needle into the syringe, it is important to use aseptic technique. Touch the needle only with a sterile swab or gloved finger, and ensure that the needle is inserted into the syringe perpendicularly.

Store the Needle separately: The needle of a 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485 should be stored separately from the syringe. This is to prevent contact between the needle and the syringe, which can contaminate the syringe.

Use the Right Syringe for the Right Procedure: The type and volume of the syringe should be selected based on the procedure being performed. For example, if a large volume of medication is needed, a large bore syringe should be used.

3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485


In conclusion, the use of 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485 has become an essential tool in the healthcare industry. However, ensuring the sterility of these syringes is crucial to ensuring the safety of both patients and healthcare workers. By following the above mentioned steps, healthcare professionals can effectively ensure the sterility of 3 parts syringe with needle with CE and ISO13485, and thus, improve the quality of healthcare.    

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